Tadokoro Shokuhin Co., Ltd.

Tadokoro Shokuhin Co., Ltd. was founded in 1918. Our company preserves traditional growing techniques and production methods we have researched and developed for over 100 years. We make authentic grape juice so customers can enjoy the original taste (natural taste) of grapes. Our facilities were destroyed by the Great East Japan Earthquake, but we were able to develop a state-of-the-art growing method using pots that can grow even in areas affected by the tsunami. Also, we are now selling “Shine Muscat” grapes which are eaten with its skin on.

Address7 Yamadera Takachi, Yamatacho, Watarigun, Miyagi-ken 989-2201
Telephone Number0223-37-0439
Opening Hours9:00-17:00
Closed DaysWeekends, holidays, Golden Week, Obon, New Year holidays