In the spring, when the water level rises due to melting snow, vast submerged forests appear. We hold a variety of nature experience activities throughout the year, including submerged forest canoe tours at Lake Shirakawa, which can only be experienced for two months from the end of March to May every year.

SUP and hidden valley canoeing in the summer, colored leaves canoeing in the autumn, and snow trekking in the winter, all of these tours allow you to feel the changes of the seasons unique to Yamagata with your five senses. From 2023, a new balloon flight experience will be added, allowing you to feel the charm of Yamagata from the sky. Please come and enjoy the great outdoors.

Address2529 Tsubaki, Iide-machi, Nishiokitama-gun, Yamagata-ken 999-0604 H&Company
Telephone Number050-5832-7512
Opening Hours9:00am to 5:00pm(reservation required)
Closed DaysNo scheduled off days.